2007 Florida Scholarship Recipient - Angel Lewis

November 2009 - From Angel's Mom
            Angel is doing wonderful. She has applied early to several Universities. She will be
            starting Junior college while she finishes up her senior year in high school. Grades
            are right on track. I will have her send some recent pictures. It is so nice to hear
            from you. Hopefully everyone in your family is doing well. Blessings, Gina

            It looks like Angel is right on track to pursuing her dreams. Good job Angel!

September 2008 - From Angel's Mom: Angel is doing wonderful. She has been accepted into the             honor society with a 3.6 GPA. She can actually graduate a year early if she would             like. She will have accumulated 23 credits by the end of this year (junior). She will only             be lacking her English 4, which she can take online during the summer. She has not             decided yet, but we will keep you posted.

            Sounds like Angel is continuing to excel. Good job Angel!

February 2008 - Miss Lewis is finshing 10th grade this year in Florida and has plans to become             an anesthesiologist. She is taking several honors courses and has already earned             enough credits that she can graduate a year early if she chooses. Keep it going Angel

May 2007 - Miss Lewis will be entering the 10th grade this year and wants to take enough             honors courses so that she can graduate ahead of schedule. Thats working hard             Angel - best of luck to you!.


            May 2007 - Eric's friend Marine LCPL Justin Carmen presenting award to Angel Lewis
            May 2007 - Angel Lewis displaying award certificate
            February 2008 - picture of Angel Lewis at her school prom

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